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Friday, August 14, 2009

♥ In my defense it seems everyone is lacking here.

I feel bad for not updating more, but there's little to mention. I have picked out my classes for this term. A Chem. class, Algebra and Children in the Media: Diversity Issues. I only have 3 classes b/c I hope to really concentrate on studying for the NLN exam in January.

Kaison is doing good. He causes a lot of trouble and does everything he is not supposed to, but that's nothing new.

I was going to take on a job at a new Marriott hotel opening in Exeter, but have decided not too. Between Kaison and classes I will have enough to keep me busy I am sure.

My mom and I are planning a weekend at the beach! Not that I wear bathing suites, but they have the animal kingdom, play grounds and lots of little shops to keep Kaison and I busy when we are not playing in the sand!

Maybe I will make a picture update soon.... I will try.


7:35 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

♥ Today was a crappy day.

So Shaun learned that his parents are divorcing today. =( It's tough enough as it is to deal with that situation, but his mom (who is not his biological mom, but has been "mom" for 10+ years) seems to be in a race to leave town and Anthony, Shaun's dad. She is talking about heading to Florida in 2-3 weeks! They have a HUGE log cabin home with 2 or more houses worth of stuff, multiple cars, motorcycles, snow machines a camper and finances to hash out and what's worse is that Tony doesn't work. They fell behind in mortgage payments and are going to lose the house which I think is why Jeanine is in a hurry, but that leaves Tony with no where to go and next to nothing financially to go anywhere with.

Of course Shaun feels obligated to help, but we have close to nothing too! We def. don't have any room to take Tony in and Shaun is thinking we will all move in somewhere together. Well, let me tell you something! If I move out of this house I will settle for no where other then Florida! This isn't exactly the way I wanted to hash out a move, but I don't have a cluw what is gong to happen in the coming weeks. It's going to be crazy I'm sure.

Even though Shaun will be working I am going to head up to Jefferson and help Tony and Jeanine sort stuff out and I be helpful where ever I can be. I dunno what to do really.

Not much else is going on, at least it doesn't seem like anything else is more important than this revelation....

6:10 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

♥ babies and dentists don't mix...

I took Kaison to the dentist for the first time today. It was hard. Not as hard as having blood drawn, but still pretty rough.

After waiting for 45 minutes (already a monumental task for a 14 month old) we say the drill sargent of a dentist! He came in and lectured me about Kaison and how he is not supposed to have anything other then water in his sippy cup unless he is eating a meal. Already an issue b/c we give Kaison milk and juice all day long. I also caught a lecture on not properly brushing his teeth everyday. Apparently I am supposed to restrain him, place a finger behind his back bottom tooth and brush until his gums are white...?! uhh... does that sound a little barbaric to anyone else? And get this after the initial visit or until the child can understand directions (a few years old) I am not allowed to be in the room with him for dental visits and I had to sign a waiver allowing them to restrain my child and that I understand sedatives may be used to calm Kaison. I get that kids can be tough to deal with and depending on what needs to be done I can understand the sedative to a degree, but this office seems a little harsh. What do you think?

I assisted in holding Kaison down while the dentist checked, brushed and used fluoride on Kaison's teeth and we discovered he seems to be missing a bottom tooth that should have come in by now. There seems to be no tooth in sight either. Since Kaison has taken a few headers I am wondering if he knocked it out and maybe swallowed it by accident. Hopefully not!

So that was our visit to the dentist. Not sure I care for how they do things there. I am thinking about doing a little research for the other area dentists.

In other news my Aunt and a few of my cousins from Port Charlotte, FL are in town! We are all going out to dinner tomorrow night with my Memere! I can't wait to see them! My cuz Courtney had a baby in November and this will be the first time I get to see him!

I also have a moral dilemma.... I have a brand new sofa and love seat set with a beautiful coffee table and nice end table over at my dad's house in one of his spare rooms. We bought it for our move to Florida, but I have decided to follow through with classes this winter and see if I get into the nursing program. If I don't (which I will know in the spring) we will make our move, but if I do then I will finish my degree here in NH. At the school last year only one person who was accepted and passed the NLN was put on a waiting list. So if I can pass the test and already have my prereqs done I will only have clinicals left.... I'm totally getting off base here....

So the furniture we bought I put up for sale on craigslist, but my dad has expressed that he likes it but can't afford it. Now I feel guilty b/c he is my dad and wants/needs some new furniture and there is mine sitting untouched in his house.

I'm pretty sure Shaun would not be okay with me just giving it to him, but I am torn about it. I could never ask him to pay me for it. I mean c'mon... he is half the reason I am on this planet. He raised me and spent countless amounts of money and time to ensure a happy childhood for me. So here I am.... unsure about what to do with the furniture.

I should point out that last year I gave my mother a new furniture set cause her stuff was crap. It wasn't brand new cause we had used it, but it was in awesome condition and may as well have been brand new.

There is my dilemma. If I give it to my dad I surely can't ask for it back down the road, but my dad has also been getting on me about it still being in his house. It was supposed to be gone by Oct. the latest cause that when we planned to move.

4:37 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2009

♥ Goal

My Goal:

3:52 PM

Friday, July 10, 2009

♥ If a father only knew...

I was pretty surprised by Shaun's decisions (in my opinion lack of judgment) today. We stopped for lunch in Manchester and I told Shaun I was bringing Kaison for a diaper change to the restroom and gave him Kaison's sippy cup and told him to order drinks. I thought he could handle that. Every other time we have gone out to dinner Kaison gets milk. Even if it's not whole milk... he gets milk. For whatever reason, or the reason that I did not do the ordering, Shaun put some of my diet coke in the sippy cup instead of gettng Kaison his own milk. I was confised, but we occasionally give him sips of our soda so I just let it slide.

Well! Did you know that if your baby shakes or even moves a sippy cup full of soda it will spray like a water fountain in the air AND NOT STOP!! haha. When I came back from getting my food (It was a buffet) Shaun, Kaison and the table were SOAKED with soda and everyone was staring.

At first I didn't understand b/c the cup I am talking about is a sippy cup but has a straw in it and you can slide the top over and bend the straw and cup into a closed position. Here's what I am talking about...

Hopefully you can see that the straw can be flipped in and out of the container. Well, I asked Shaun what the hell happened and he flipped the cup open and *GUSHHH!!!* The soda came free flowing out and straight into the air!! It was crazy! And funny! I tried to empty some of the soda out, but it didn't help at all! I couldn't believe it!! haha. Most people including the waitresses thought it was funny so I didn't worry to much about that, but it was def. one for the blog! I should have shot some video or taken pics with my phone now that I think about it. Oh well.

Tomorrow is Sam's baby shower! I am super excited! I ended up having to use two gift bags and still have 2 gifts and a pair of little pink Nike Sneakers stacked on each other. I love wrapping and the presentation of gift giving. It's weird, but I am kind of a perfectionist about it. And I loooove to give gifts so of course she is getting lots of stuff! =)

I'm thinking about taking Kaison for a walk right now. He seems bored around the house today. Bye blogger!! Until next time....

2:48 PM

Thursday, July 9, 2009

♥ Like I posted in my LJ...

Shaun and I needed to replace the old Saab so we bought this one. Shaun likes saab's and I like the price so we compromised on this car.

Today I babysat for one of my brother's. Well now, if I ever post that I have plans to do that again someone stop me!

Ok, it probably would have been way worse if Heather (my 16 year old niece) hadn't come home and helped with 4 year old screaming and whining Billy Jr. but I still couldn't wait to get out of there! Not only was little Billy there but another little girl Kiera (who was 4 years old, but a very good girl) and my very own tired and sleep deprived 14 month old Kaison were there as well.

Oh. my. God.

Let's just say I'd rather have 9 hours of waterboarding than 9 hours of that again! I am not much of a babysitter. Let me be honest now. I mean, I do ok and keep kids safe and fed, but I do not enjoy doing it. My own kid is more than enough for me!

Over all life in general is good. I am siked for Sam's baby shower this weekend! I have tons of gifts and stuff, which I still have to wrap and bag up, but I am ready for an afternoon with the girls!!

I did have a lovely dinner with some friends from school which was long overdue. We went to the Texas Roadhouse in Portsmouth and it was awesome as usual! They have the best Chicken Critter Salad. mmmmmm..........

Shaun is enjoying work and surprisingly enough I am still leaning towards the idea of school now and move later. Check back with me in a few days and I will probably have changed my mind though!

5:08 PM

Saturday, June 27, 2009

♥ Bound to the house... ball, chain and child.

b/c I am to cheap to register the saab (I intend to trade it in or hopefully sell it with in the next 2 weeks) I am more or less stuck in the house on my days off. It is saving me money, but I'm bored to tears. Shaun works all day so it's just me and Kaison. He trashes the place, I pick up, he eats I do dishes, he sleeps I try to get in anything else I can't do with in his line of sight (i.e. shower)

I do enjoy my time with him, but I would like it to be more constructive. I'd love to visit people, malls, parks. You know... fun stuff. Right now we visit his room, my room the bathroom. Sometimes the yard and now and then we take a walk around the block or to the mail box!

Since there isn't a whole lot more to post aside from the above mentioned this entry will be fairly short.

1:15 AM

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