Thursday, July 9, 2009
♥ Like I posted in my LJ...
Shaun and I needed to replace the old Saab so we bought this one. Shaun likes saab's and I like the price so we compromised on this car.
Today I babysat for one of my brother's. Well now, if I ever post that I have plans to do that again someone stop me!
Ok, it probably would have been way worse if Heather (my 16 year old niece) hadn't come home and helped with 4 year old screaming and whining Billy Jr. but I still couldn't wait to get out of there! Not only was little Billy there but another little girl Kiera (who was 4 years old, but a very good girl) and my very own tired and sleep deprived 14 month old Kaison were there as well.
Oh. my. God.
Let's just say I'd rather have 9 hours of waterboarding than 9 hours of that again! I am not much of a babysitter. Let me be honest now. I mean, I do ok and keep kids safe and fed, but I do not enjoy doing it. My own kid is more than enough for me!
Over all life in general is good. I am siked for Sam's baby shower this weekend! I have tons of gifts and stuff, which I still have to wrap and bag up, but I am ready for an afternoon with the girls!!
I did have a lovely dinner with some friends from school which was long overdue. We went to the Texas Roadhouse in Portsmouth and it was awesome as usual! They have the best Chicken Critter Salad. mmmmmm..........
Shaun is enjoying work and surprisingly enough I am still leaning towards the idea of school now and move later. Check back with me in a few days and I will probably have changed my mind though!
5:08 PM